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OpenTag Serverless

Medical information indise a QR code Literally

Why OpenTag Serverless?

Same goodness of OpenTag

Instant access to critical medical information in emergencies, but now with the added benefit of no server dependency (But the amount of data is limited)

Fully Anonymous

Serverless version encodes data directly into the QR code hence no need for any login or ID or any server thus forget about privacy concerns

Compact QR Code

No big and chunky QR codes, small in size but big in impact can store data you never thought possible in such form factor

Critical Medical Data Isn't Accessible in Time.

Every second counts in an emergency. When medical responders lack access to vital information like your blood type, allergies, or medical history, lives can hang in the balance. With openTag, a free and open-source solution, you can ensure your critical medical data is available instantly through a simple QR code. Accessible, customizable, and built to save lives—openTag empowers everyone to make a difference.

Some of your data, in a QR code

OpenTag Serverless Example

OpenTag Serverless is clever. By encoding your critical medical information directly into a QR code, we've eliminated the need for servers and databases, putting you in control of your data like never before. In emergencies, every second counts. With OpenTag Serverless, your vital information is instantly accessible to medical professionals, potentially making the difference between life and death.

Note: The amount of data that can be stored in the QR code is limited

Unparalleled Benefits

Zero Server Dependency

Your medical information lives in the QR code, not on vulnerable servers. Absolute data sovereignty.

No Login Required

Generate and access your tags without the need for any login or ID. Complete anonymity and ease of use.

Unlimited Free Tags

Create as many tags as you need, all for free. No limits, no hidden costs.

You're in Control

Choose exactly what information to include. Update anytime. Your tag, your rules.

Join the Medical Revolution Today!

Don't wait for an emergency to wish you had OpenTag Serverless. Create your life-saving QR code now.

Generate Your Free QR Code